Old Mill Chiropractic Shares Benefits of Strawberries for Bone, Teeth, Cognition and Cardiometabolism
Did you know that strawberries are amazingly beneficial? So many of us eat them just to enjoy their flavor! Strawberries are additionally packed with nutritional value and have the endorsement of Old Mill Chiropractic as extras in the St Peters treatment plan! Spinal nutrition is central to many of our chiropractic patients while a common nutrition tip like “Eat some strawberries!” benefits our goal to be as healthy as possible.
In a big study of 49,493 women and 27,842 men, researchers discovered that a higher intake of total flavonoids was associated with lower odds of subjective cognitive decline. Flavonoid rich foods include strawberries in addition to oranges, citrus fruits and juices, apples, pears, celery, peppers, and bananas. (1) The chemical make-up of one particular strawberry variety, Romina, was found beneficial in reducing and delaying the production of certain factors that are linked to Alzheimer’s. (2) As we age, we all desire to maintain our cognitive faculties to be as sharp as possible.
Postmenopausal women also want to keep their bone as strong as possible! Postmenopausal issues for women incorporate bone remodeling and resorption that are faster than bone formation resulting in reduced bone mineral density and associated high blood pressure as well as a greater risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Consuming freeze-dried strawberry powder increased insulin-like growth factor-1 (a vital hormone in bone formation) in postmenopausal women with pre/stage-1 hypertension. (3) We share information like this with our St Peters female chiropractic patients so they can keep ahead of these problems.
Cardiometabolic issues – cardiovascular/renal/liver issues, diabetes, etc. - can potentially affect all our St Peters chiropractic patients. We certainly want to keep ahead of these issues if at all possible. A new study presented the finding that consuming strawberries for 4 weeks significantly improved antioxidant status, endothelial function, and inflammation (tumor necrosis factor-α) in adults with cardiometabolic risks. (4) These issues often come with age, so we want to be wise as we age and take care of our bodies as naturally as possible, a goal of St Peters chiropractic care.
Aging even impacts our teeth! Our aging (discolored/weakened) teeth reveal our activities: smoking, drinking tea and coffee, taking antibiotics, and even using commercially available whiteners that contain hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide (too much). A new study offered research support for natural, milder, safer teeth-whiteners like strawberries, lemons, oranges, and other fruits. (5) Old Mill Chiropractic knows our chiropractic patients would like these teeth whiteners!
CONTACT Old Mill Chiropractic
Schedule your St Peters chiropractic appointment now. Bring some strawberries! We will enjoy a few together! Or just bring yourself and any other healthy nutrition tip you use that benefits you. See you soon!