St Peters Exercise and Spinal Manipulation Recommended for Older Adult Back Pain
Geriatric back pain patients find relief with combined chiropractic care: spinal manipulation and mobilization plus exercise. That’s what new best practices guidelines recommend. Surprised? Of course not! Your St Peters chiropractor treats your spine, and you take care of your spine! Together, your St Peters chiropractor and you the St Peters back pain sufferer form a great spine care team. Old Mill Chiropractic is your local St Peters chiropractic care center where St Peters back pain patients meet their St Peters chiropractor to establish a treatment plan to relieve pain as well as a plan to prevent future back pain.
A new high-level research review reiterates that spinal manipulation is safe for older adults suffering with back pain. Old Mill Chiropractic values this verification! How did they do this? Researchers reviewed all published articles from 7 years to update current recommendations. Thirty-seven panelists contributed to this best practices guidelinesreview and update. Conclusively, they approved current statements about the best practices for chiropractic care of older adults with back pain. They strengthened the current statement about the safety of spinal manipulation for older back pain patients. The panel added two additional recommendations that (1) chiropractors should suggest exercise to back pain patients who are older and (2) manipulation and mobilization do more than just reduce pain; they improve overall outcomes of care. (1) Old Mill Chiropractic concurs! St Peters chiropractic patients frequently look for care that will reduce their back pain. Then, they discover St Peters chiropractic care that does more than just back pain relief. Chiropractic incorporation of nutrition, exercise, and wellness care allows them to embrace a healthier way of life.
This chiropractic care begins with back pain relief. The spinal manipulation approach Old Mill Chiropractic employs is known as Cox Technic. In research studies about this approach, it is published that radiculopathy (leg pain), chronic moderate/severe back pain and recurrent mild back pain (pain than comes and goes) react more favorably to chiropractic Cox Technic than to medical conservative care. This study also showed that chronic/recurrent – back pain that returns several times a year – reacts better to exercise. (2) Old Mill Chiropractic recognizes that exercise is crucial to control back pain and prevent future back pain. Old Mill Chiropractic encourages all our St Peters chiropractic patients to help themselves with exercise.
Schedule your St Peters chiropractic visit with Old Mill Chiropractic to talk about St Peters back pain relief and prevention in older adults with St Peters chiropractic care and appropriate St Peters exercise. Your St Peters chiropractor and you will work together as well as recommended spinal manipulation and exercise do to safely and successfully ease low back pain.