Have you read about the unfavorable effects of x-rays and imaging? Is there a way to avoid x-rays and CT scans? Can they harm you in any way? If you've looked into the science, the answer is ABSOLUTELY! Don't worry: your St Peters chiropractor at Old Mill Chiropractic is equipped to diagnose well without them.
So, how does this change your connection with your chiropractor at Old Mill Chiropractic? Vitally, for your health. The reason is that the chiropractic doctor is prepared intensely in the non-x-ray and non-imaging features of diagnosing the origin as well as establishing the treatment of your lower back pain or extremity pain based on his or her examination findings of your pain problem. Realize that a good doctor can pretty much identify your problem and its cause through a thorough examination, sometimes by just observing you and asking a few questions. Such a complete examination as carried out at your St Peters chiropractic center, Old Mill Chiropractic, the use of x-ray imaging can be minimized while saving your health and giving you the best health care possible.
What is the scientific finding on x-ray and imaging of the spine today? It is this - and we at Old Mill Chiropractic perceive this decision making method - clinicians should refrain from routine, immediate lumbar imaging in primary care patients with non-specific, acute or subacute low back pain and no indications of hidden serious conditions. The researchers in this study did not talk about patient beliefs that imaging must be done. (1) Regularly those expectations play a role in a patient's level of satisfaction with care. So, if we suggest that x-ray or CT or MRI imaging studies will be delayed for a period of time to see how you respond to chiropractic care, do not be surprised or upset. Accept it as Old Mill Chiropractic’s doing the best service for you and meeting the standard of care for spine pain care today.
At our St Peters chiropractic clinic, such procedures as palpation, testing spine motion, testing nerves, checking muscle strength, estimating your general health can give nearly a 90% accurate impression of your problem. So why is it important to delay or prevent x-ray or CT examination? A study has shown that the lifetime risk of developing a cancer by a brain and abdominal CT were 33% and 28%, respectively. Even radiology residents need to know more about radiation hazards. Less than 25% of them, at best, understand the hazards of radiation. (2)
We believe that you’ll appreciate Old Mill Chiropractic’s staying on top of this important aspect to patient care, that this radiation risk is understood and considered in your lower back pain and neck pain examination and St Peters treatment plan. Additionally, our Cox Technic treatment plan is guided by the Rule of 50%. Cox (3) states that if the patient is attaining acceptable relief, such as at least 50% within 3 to 4 weeks, that x-ray and MRI can be avoided. After all, x-ray and CT and MRI do not get you well; they should merely confirm a diagnosis but are only needed if your St Peters chiropractor determines their need. Such a decision is made carefully with benefit and risk in mind.
Old Mill Chiropractic is dedicated to giving the best care with the least adverse side effects for your health condition. Contact us today for further details and begin your journey to improved health and a healthy, painfree spine.